To generate quantum effects from an optical system one typically requires nonlinearity stronger than the system decay rate. For example, the well known photon blockade effect requires the interaction energy between two photons to exceed the linewidth. Unfortunately, most photonic systems (e.g., microcavities or photonic crystals) have short photon lifetimes. We have designed different mechanisms to circumvent this problem.
One mechanism, now known as unconventional blockade , is based on using quantum interferences, which may be very sensitive to even small amounts of nonlinearity. The mechanism was verified experimentally, where its main feature is the appearance of antibunching in the weakly nonlinear regime. We have also considered mechanisms of induced blockade using inverse four-wave mixing , which can lead to the generation of significant quantum entanglement in weakly nonlinear coupled mode systems
Neural networks exploit massive interconnectivity to become highly efficient at certain tasks, such as classification, and pattern recognition. While biological neurons may operate individually on millisecond time scales, their simultaneous connection to several thousands of other neurons allows a parallelization of tasks far beyond the capabilities of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) logic. Naturally, this observation has motivated research into artificial neural networks, including hardware implementations.
We have considered a scheme of optical neural networks making use of the interference of wave ensembles scattered by a controlled potential . A model based on the Schrödinger equation was used to illustrate the wide applicability of the scheme, which is compatible with a range of micron-sized solid-state implementations where a spatially varying potential is available. This includes nonlinear optical systems, systems that can be microstructured by optical lithography or exciton-polariton systems. As a demonstration, the recognition of noisy characters was achieved by the network. The advantage of the scheme is that the required weightings making up the structure of the network are naturally encoded in an optical potential, which itself is the result of a known superposition of waves.
The engineering of more complex neural networks remains challenging in hardware systems, since it is not easy to control the weights of connections between artificial neurons, even if they can be calculated theoretically. More recently, with collaborators we have considered using exciton-polaritons for the implementation of reservoir neural networks . These networks are fully randomly connected, yet are still highly capable of particular tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and nonlinear time series prediction.