PROGRAM - Day 1 (3 January 2024)

Each talk is 30 minutes long followed by a 5-minute Q&A session

8:45am — 9:00am Workshop Kickoff
Session Chair: Pinaki Sengupta
9:00am — 9:35am Duncan Haldane, Princeton University
Electric Quadrupole Density and Quantum Geometry in the Quantum Hall Effect
Click here for video recording
9:35am — 10:10am Mansour Shayegan, Princeton University
A New Generation of Even-denominator Fractional Quantum Hall States in a New Generation of Ultrahigh-Quality 2D Systems
Click here for video recording
10:10am — 10:45am Steven Simon, Oxford University
Kekule Spirals in Twisted Multilayer Graphene
Click here for video recording
10:45am — 11:00am Tea and Coffee break
Session Chair: Du Lingjie
11:00am — 11:35am Rui Rui Du, Peking University
Towards Bosonic Fractional Quantum Hall Effectin a Moat Band
Click here for video recording
11:35am — 12:10pm Hai-zhou Lu, Southern University of Science and Technology
3D Quantum Hall Effect
Click here for video recording
12:10pm — 12:45pm Xincheng Xie, Peking University
Towards Dissipationless Topotronics
Click here for video recording
12:45pm — 1:50pm Lunch
Session Chair: Hart Goldman
1:55pm — 2:30pm Trevor Arp, University of California Santa Barbara
Ferromagnetism, Intervalley Coherence, and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Rhombohedral Trilayer Graphene
Click here for video recording
2:30pm — 3:05pm Ajit Balram, Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Very-High-Energy Collective States of Partons in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids
Click here for video recording
3:05pm — 3:40pm Xi Lin, Peking University
Verification of 3/2 Plateau with a Global Gate and Density Control through Gates
Click here for video recording
3:40pm — 3:55pm Tea and Coffee break
Session Chair: David Mross
3:55pm — 4:30pm Hemanta-Kumar Kundu, Weizmann Institute
Anyonic Interference and Braiding in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
Click here for video recording
4:30pm — 5:05pm Heung-Sun Sim, KAIST
Braiding of Anyons at Quantum Point Contacts
Click here for video recording
5:05pm — 5:40pm Gwendal Fève, Institut Universitaire de France
Time-domain Braiding of Anyons
Click here for video recording

Day 2 program

Day 3 program