Journal Papers
- Q. Ye, H. Wang, J. Pieprzyk, X. M. Zhang. (2009). Unconditionally Secure Disjointness Tests for Private Datasets, Int. J. Applied Cryptography,1(3), 225-235.
- C. Xing. (2009). A Constructive bound of kissing numbers. Proceedings of Amer. Math. Soc., 137, 2953-2957.
- C. Xing, Y. Ding. (2009). Multisequences with large linear and k-error linear complexity from Hermitian function fields. IEEE Transactions on Information. Theory, 55(8), 3858-3863.
- F. Oggier, E. Lequeu. (2009). Differential Distributed Cayley Space-Time Codes. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, no 7.
- C. Li, Q. Li, S. Ling. (2009). On the constructions of constant-composition codes from perfect nonlinear functions. Science in China - Series F: Information Sciences, 52(6), 964-973.
- G. Berhuy, F. Oggier. (2009). On the Existence of Perfect Space-Time Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(5), vol. 55, no 5.
- C. Xing, S. L. Yeo. (2009). Construction of Global Function Fields from Linear Codes and Vice Versa. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 361, 1333-1349.
- Y. M. Chee, A. C. H. Ling. (2009). Limit on the addressability of fault-tolerant nanowire decoders. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 58(1), 60-68.
- C. Li, Q. Li, S. Ling. (2009). Properties and applications of preimage distributions of perfect nonlinear functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(1), 64-69.
- C. Li, S. Ling, L. Qu. (2009). On the covering structures of two classes of linear codes from perfect nonlinear functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55(1), 70-82.
- Y. Desmedt, N. Duif, H. van Tilborg, H. Wang. (2009). Bounds and constructions for key distribution schemes. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 3(3), 273-293.
Conference Papers
- H. Chen, S. Ling, C. Padro, H. Wang, C. Xing. (2009). Key predistribution schemes and one-time broadcast encryption schemes from algebraic geometry codes. Twelfth IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, IMACC 2009.
- S. Li, H. Jameel, J. Pieprzyk, A. R. Sadeghi, R. Schmitz, H. Wang. (2009). On the Security of PAS (Predicate-based Authentication Service). 25th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2009).
- K. Aoki, J. Guo, K. Matusiewicz, Y. Sasaki, L. Wang. (2009). Preimages for Step-Reduced SHA-2. In proceedings of ASIACRYPT, M. Matsui ed., LNCS, Vol. 5912, pp. 578-597, Springer.
- T. Eisenbarth, A. Moradi, C. Paar, A. Poschmann.(2009). Power Analysis of Single-Rail Storage Elements as used in MDPL. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2009).
- A. Poschmann, M. Robshaw, F. Vater, C. Paar. (2009). Lightweight Cryptography and RFID: Tackling the Hidden Overheads. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2009).
- Q. Ye, R. Steinfeld, J. Pieprzyk, H. Wang. (2009). Efficient Fuzzy Matching and Intersection on Private Datasets. International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2009).
- I. Cascudo, H. Chen, R. Cramer, C. Xing. (2009). Asymptotically Good Ideal Linear Secret Sharing with Strong Multiplication over Any Fixed Finite Field, Proceedings of CRYPTO 2009, LNCS 5677, Springer, pp. 466-486.
- J. Guo, K. Matusiewicz, L. R. Knudsen, S. Ling, H. Wang. (2009). Practical pseudo-collisions for hash functions ARIRANG-224/384, SAC2009.
- F. Oggier, P. Sole. (2009). Higher Dimensional Perfect Space-Time Coded Modulation. ITW 2009.
- V. Pasupathinathan, J. Pieprzyk, H. Wang. (2009). Certified pseudonyms colligated with master secret key. International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2009).
- F. Oggier, P. Sole, J.-C. Belfiore. (2009). Codes over M2(F2) and Applications to Golden Space-Time Modulation. International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009).
- A. Buryukov, P. Gauravaram, J. Guo, D. Khovratovich, S. Ling, K. Matusiewicz, I. Nikolic, J. Pieprzyk, H. Wang. (2009). Cryptanalysis of the LAKE hash family. 16th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption.
- F. Oggier. (2009). A Survey of Algebraic Unitary Codes. International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography.
- A. Pott, Y. Tan, T. Feng, S. Ling. (2009). Association schemes arising from bent functions. Workshop on Coding and Cryptography – WCC 2009, A. Kholosha, E. Rosnes & M. Parker eds., pp. 48-61.
- M. Vogt, A. Poschmann, C. Paar. (2009). Cryptography is Feasible on 4-Bit Microcontrollers - A Proof of Concept. International IEEE Conference on RFID, pp. 241-248.
- M. Sbeiti, M. Silbermann, A. Poschmann, C. Paar. (2009). Design Space Exploration of PRESENT Implementations for FPGAs. 5th Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, pp. 141 - 145.
- D. Zhang, Y. M. Chee, A. Mondal, A. K. H. Tung, M. Kitsuregawa. (2009). Keyword search in spatial databases: towards searching by document. ICDE 2009 – Proceedings of the IEEE 25th International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 388-399, IEEE Computer Society.
Books Editorial
- Y. M. Chee, C. Li, S. Ling, H. Wang, C. Xing (Eds.). (2009). Coding and Cryptology, vol.5557 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.
- H. Niederreiter, C. Xing. (2009). Algebraic Geometry in Coding Theory and Cryptography, Princeton University Press.