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Congrats! Prof Yu Ting have been named the world's Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Analytics Web of Science for 3 years.

Group Treat
Author: Zou Chenji

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks Prof. Yu and Lishu for their proposal and generosity!

Congratulations! Wu Lishu successfully passed the Qualifying Examination.


Congratulations! Feng Shun successfully passed the Qualifying Examination.

Congratulations! Zhang Hongbo successfully passed the Qualifying Examination.

Congratulations! "Long-range magnetic coupling across a polar insulating layer" has been accepted. Click to check out all our nature baby journals

Nice dinner, thanks Prof. Yu for his generosity! Wish everyone Good luck and great success in 2016!


Congratulations! Wang Yanlong has successfully passed his Ph. D oral defense.

Winter Solstice
Author: Zou Chenji

Prof. Yu gathered us together to celebrate the winter solstice. The dumplings were really delicious. Thanks Prof. Yu for his proposal and generosity!


Congratulations! Namphung Peimyoo has successfully passed her Ph. D oral defense.

Prof Huang Wei(Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences) was invited by Prof. Yu to give a talk entitled "Recent Advances in Organic Optoelectronics"


Congratulations! Prof. Yu has won the third prize of WITec's PaperAward 2015 with the publication "Enhanced ultra-low-frequency interlayer shear modes in folded graphene layers"


Congratulations! Ai wei, Chen yu and Zou Chenji successfully passed the Qualifying Examination.

Prof Rodney S. Ruoff was invited by Prof. Yu to give a talk entitled "Carbon Materials for the Future"

Group retreat
Author: Zou Chenji

Our group has been to Batam, which is a wonderful experience. Thanks Prof. Yu for his proposal and generosity!


Congratulations! Ai Wei's airticle "Nitrogen and Sulfur Codoped Graphene Multifunctional Electrode Materials for High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries and Oxygen Reduction Reaction" has been highlighted by Materials Views China


Congratulations! Chunxiao's airticle "Enhanced ultra-low-frequency interlayer shear modes in folded graphene layers" has been published on Nature Communication.

Warmly welcome our new group member "Wu chao" and "Zhang Hongbo.

Congratulations! Prof. Yu has been promoted to Nanyang associate professor!

Congratulations! Prof. Yu's airticle "Long range surface plasmons in a symmetric graphene system with anisotropic dielectrics" has been selected by the editors of Journal of Optics as a Highlight.

Group Retreat
Author: Zou Chenji

Our group has been to Desaru fish farm in Malaysia for two days, which is a wonderful experience. Thanks Prof. Yu for his proposal and generosity!

Prof. Yu wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Group retreat on this weekend!

Prof. Yu has received Institute of Physics, Singapore (IPS), Omicron Nanotechnology Medal.

Prof. Yu has received Outstanding Young Scientist for Summer Davos World Economic Forum (Representative of Singapore, 2010).

Prof. Yu has received National Research Foundation Fellowship Award.


Prof. Yu has received Young Scientist Award.

The work “Thickness dependent reversible hydrogenation of graphene layers” is highlighted by Noble Laureates in their news on

Prof. Yu has be invited to write “Multifunctional CuO nanowire devices: p-type field effect transistors” by

“Facile Synthesis and Shape Evolution of High Symmetric 26-Facet     Polyhedral Microcrystals of Cu2O” has been selected as cover story.

"From cleavage to chirality identification: edge determination of graphene by Raman spectroscopy" has been highlighted in virtual journal of nanoscale science & technology.

"Reduction of Fermi velocity in folded graphene observed by resonance Raman spectroscopy" has been highlighted in virtual journal of nanoscale science & technology.

"Raman studies of epitaxial graphene on SiC substrate" has been highlighted in virtual journal of nanoscale science & technology.

"A novel gas sensor based on field ionization from ZnO nanowires: moderate working voltage and high stability" has been accessed over 250

"Crystallinity and surface effects on the Young's modulus of CuO nanowires" has been highlighted in virtual journal of nanoscale science & technology.

"Size selective assembly of colloidal particles on a template by directed self-assembly technique" has been the top 25 hottest articles.

"The manipulation and assembly of CuO nanorods with line optical tweezers" has been the top 100 most popular articles.

"Large-scale synthesis and field emission properties of vertically oriented CuO nanowire films" has been highlighted and published by technical insights division of frost & sullivan.