Hybrid Quantum Systems

Superconducting Atom Chips

Precision Measurements

Today, the most precise measurements in a variety of applied sciences and engineering are performed by employing quantum mechanical systems. Examples are measuring of time inertial sensing, sensing of fields. At NTU/CQT we are realizing a compact and transportable atom intereferometer for the precise determination of local g.


Quantum Technology @ NTU

Technologies that harness quantum effects have huge potential. We are currently witnessing rapid development in this area: research has already led to quantum technologies with applications ranging from precision time keeping to high accuracy inertial measurements and tests of fundamental theories. In my group, we are working on the further development of these technologies with the aim of utilizing the quantum nature of ultra-cold atomic matter. Our projects include work with superconducting atom chips, Bose-Einstein condensates, miniaturized optical systems for quantum information processing and building a compact and transportable atom interferometer for the precise determination of local gravity.


Atom-optical systems combined with well-established superconductor technology allows a new generation of fundamental experiments and applications, potentially enabling a coherent interface between neutral atoms and solid-state quantum devices. Important applications include the quantum state transfer and manipulation between atomic and solid-state systems which is of great interest for quantum information. For this goal the combination of atomic or molecular quantum systems with quantum states in superconducting solid-state devices has been proposed in various forms.

QUantum Technology@NTU