QUantum Technology@NTU
Atom chips allow the manipulation of atoms near a solid surface using inhomogeneous magnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors constructed on the surface. Combining electric, magnetic and optical fields, atoms can be trapped close to the chip surface in a dense magnetic vortex lattice induced in the chip, with shorter lattice spacing than optical arrays.
We have proposed and analysed neutral atom traps generated by vortices imprinted by magnetic field pulse sequences in type II superconducting disks and rings. We have computed the supercurrent distribution and magnetic field resulting from the vortices in the superconductor. We have simulated different patterns of vortices which can be written by versatile vortex loading field sequences. We have discussed in detail procedures to generate quadrupole traps, self-sufficient traps, and ring traps based on superconducting disks and rings
Relevant Publications:
K.S. Chan, M. Siercke, C. Hufnagel, R. Dumke, 'Adsorbate Electric Fields on a Cryogenic Atom Chip', Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 026101, (2014).
Siercke M.; Chan K. S.; Zhang B, M. J. Lim, R. Dumke 'Reconfigurable self-sufficient traps for ultracold atoms based on a superconducting square', Phys Rev A, 85,041403 (2012).
Zhang B.; Siercke M.; Chan K. S, M. J. Lim, R. Dumke ‘ Magnetic confinement of neutral atoms based on patterned vortex distributions in superconducting disks and rings’, Phys Rev A, 85, 013404 (2012)
R. Fermani, T. Müller, B. Zhang, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, 'Heating rate and spin flip lifetime due to near field noise in layered superconducting atom chips', J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 095002 (2010).
T. Müller , B. Zhang , R. Fermani , K. S. Chan , Z. W. Wang , C. B. Zhang , M. J. Lim and R. Dumke 'Trapping of ultra-cold atoms with the magnetic field of vortices in a thin film superconducting micro-structure', New J. Phys. 12 043016, (2010).
B. Zhang, R. Fermani, T. Müller, M. J. Lim, R. Dumke, , ' Design of magnetic traps for neutral atoms with vortices in type-II superconducting micro-structures’, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053624 (2010). Highlight in Physics synopsis
T. Müller, B. Zhang, R. Fermani, K. S. Chan, M. J. Lim, and R. Dumke, 'Programmable trap geometries with superconducting atom chips ', Phys. Rev. A 81, 053624 2010 (2010).
T. Müller, X. Wu, A. Mohan, A. Eyvazov, Y. Wu and R. Dumke, ' Towards a guided interferometer based on a superconducting atom chip', New J. Phys.10, 073006 (2008).
Levitating Atoms below a Superconducting Square
Superconducting Atom Chip assembly
Superconducting Atom Chips