Schematic of experimental setup

Superconducting Quantum Circuits

In recent years, microtraps for neutral atoms based on superconductors, i.e., ‘superconducting atom chips’ have become a subject of intensive research. Motivated by the prediction of extremely low magnetic and thermal noise compared to normal conductors, superconducting atom chips have first been implemented in the expectation of improving the coherence of atomic quantum states close to surfaces by several orders of magnitude. This boost in coherence time holds promising expectations for quantum information processing applications. In particular, superconducting atom chips are ideal candidates for the realization of hybrid quantum systems between atomic and superconducting solid-state qubits, merging the fast gate operation times for superconducting qubits with the long coherence times of atomic qubits.

In our experimental direction, we work towards the coupling between ultracold atoms and superconductors under applied microwave field. This will be done by trapping ultracold Rb atoms in proximity of a superconducting cavity cooled to <100mK with a dilution refrigerator, and applying a microwave field to induce coupling with the atoms. We predict coherent coupling between trapped 87Rb atoms and the resonator, and would attempt to manipulate atomic states through the superconducting resonator.

Hybrid Quantum Systems

Relevant Publications:


D. Yu, M. M. Valado, C. Hufnagel, L. C. Kwek, L. Amico, and R. Dumke,'Quantum State Transmission in a Superconducting Charge Qubit-Atom Hybrid', Scientific Reports 6, 38356, (2016)


D. Yu, A. Landra, M. M. Valado, C. Hufnagel, L. C. Kwek, L. Amico, and R. Dumke,'Superconducting resonator and Rydberg atom hybrid system in the strong coupling regime', Phys. Rev. A 94, 062301 (2016).


R. Dumke, Z. Lu, J. Close, N. Robins, A. Weis, M. Mukherjee, G. Birkl, Ch. Hufnagel, L. Amico, M. G Boshier, K. Dieckmann, W. Li and T. C Killian ‘Roadmap on quantum optical systems’, J. Opt. 18 093001 (2016).


D.Yu, M.M. Valado, C. Hufnagel, L.C. Kwek, L. Amico and R. Dumke; ‘Charge-qubit–atom hybrid’, Phys. Rev. A 93, 042329 (2016).


K.S. Chan, M. Siercke, C. Hufnagel, R. Dumke, 'Adsorbate Electric Fields on a Cryogenic Atom Chip', Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 026101, (2014).


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